Monday, March 06, 2006

The days go flyin' by

So, Mr. Spinach, what have you been doing these past 12 days?

1) Trying to meet a monthly billable hour "goal" in a 28-day month.
Not quite... but almost.

2) Trying to cross things off the to-do list faster than adding to it.
Not quite...but almost.

3) Wedding plans (G. Spinach is tying the knot in just four short months).
Progress on this front, but there's plenty left to do.

4) Celebrating a parent's 60th birthday (earning 2416 Delta Sky Miles along the way).
Sorry, Mom, no grandkids. Not yet.

5) Touring the Celestial Seasonings tea factory.
The peppermint room is intoxicating.


Anonymous said...

"Intoxicating" is putting it mildly. You could have a good buzz off of that room for a couple of hours. It's a wonder they let you drive home after that!

E. McPan said...

3) Congratulations!

5) WOW!

G. Spinach said...

To Anonymous-
I sobered up pretty fast when I hit the parking lot and looked at the big bag of tea and posters I'd just bought at the gift shop.
-G. Spinach