Monday, March 20, 2006

Snorkle Needed Here

Doh; how time flies between posts...I've been trying valiantly to keep my head above water at the office, and I'm not quite ready for a scuba tank, but a snorkle would really be nice about now.

Actually, I caught a break today. The CLE seminar for which I've been frantically preparing written materials was cancelled and nobody bothered to let me know, so when I sheepishly called up today to request an extension, I got a humble apology from the coordinators. Bummer that I gave up two Sunday afternoons and a sleepless night without cause, but hallelu-ya about not needing to sacrifice the next couple of weekends working on that.

Saturday night, I went over to the house of a law school friend, one of a select few who knows I exist in the blogosphere. He said he's been searching for "wilted spinach" and couldn't find it...I let out a good laugh. Maybe now he'll pull up this humble diary...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WILTED Spinach?! So sorry to hear that. I wouldn't take it personally, but it is worth a good chortle. (Who really "chortles," though, anyway?)

Quick--find another CLE to speak at before all your preparation is out-of-date! Too bad you can't be reimbursed for that preparation on an hourly basis. . . .

Keep your head above water!