Wednesday, January 11, 2006

When Law and Politics Collide

Maybe law school corrupted me...I remember being awestruck with the knowledge and ability demonstrated by the senators and candidates during confirmation hearings in the past.

This week, however, I've recognized the names of about 2/3 of the cases cited by Judge Alito, and could have rewritten about half the questions from senators so people could actually understand them.

I'm ashamed of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Chairman Specter, Orrin Hatch, and Lindsey Graham spend more time talking about how Alito's critics are full of hoo-hah than they spend talking with the candidate before them...and Senator Kennedy isn't asking questions because he wants to know the answer.

Alito's not my kind of guy...he leans to the right, but I've decided that despite his personal politics, he's got a decent respect for judicial restraint, and is certainly capable of holding his own on the Court. I don't think I'll be watching any more of the hearing replays...put him on the Court and let Sandra Day O'Connor do what she asked to do more than seven months ago: retire.

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