Sunday, January 22, 2006

One-ten. One-ten. Do I hear One-eleven?

I've been quiet for about a week, lurking around some, but mostly watching too much of the Barrett-Jackson car auction. Hypnotic stuff, though I couldn't afford much more than this '53 Beetle. What this thing needs is some racing stripes, and a Lindsey Lohan endorsement!

Readers of this blog also know that I'm a regular viewer of Underneath Their Robes. Howard Bashman over at How Appealing has a note directing his readers to this NY Times article with an interview with the creator of Article III Groupie. Slick blog success story, though I wouldn't have wanted to be in A3G's shoes when he/she was meeting his/her boss to discuss things after the "unveiling."

Anyhow, the Alito vote will be coming up in the Senate shortly, and I hope the Democrats don't make fools of themselves trying to oppose the confirmation. The left's best efforts should be put toward securing a majority vote in the Senate after the '06 midterms, and I don't see a leader from the Democratic side...Harry Reid was my guy until he went a little overboard on personal attacks and then backed up with this apology. IMHO, he just doesn't have his act together.

FLOTUS #42 (a/k/a Hillary R. Clinton) seems to be making waves, but I read "It Takes a Village" and it seemed too phony to be useful. We need another Democratic leader in the mold of Sam Nunn...if only Max Cleland were more of a household name in Des Moines (sigh!).

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