Monday, January 30, 2006

A Day in the Life of G. Spinach

Today gets a 9.2 out of 10. Why?

First, to steal a page from Bliss, I've got a litigation glory tale:
As a trusts & estates lawyer, I don't do many depositions, but I had one today in a contested year's support case (in Georgia, we reject the idea of the spousal elective share, apparently on the grounds that 12 months is plenty of time for a surviving spouse to get themselves hooked up with a new sugar daddy, or moolah mama, whichever. The deal is, you can usually claim 12 month's expenses from an spouse's estate).

So Opposing Counsel serves me 37 days ago with interrogatories and a notice to depose my client today. And the interrogatories contain very clear instructions that responses shall be served within 45 days after service (the usual rule here is 30 days + 3 for mailing). So when he shows up, the conversation goes something like this:

OC: Did you get my interrogatories?
GS: Yes.
OC: And you haven't answered them yet?'
GS: They're not due yet.
OC: How do you figure?
GS: They were served on December 22nd...
OC: And today's January 30th, right?
GS: Yes, and responses are due 45 days after that, which is sometime next week.
OC: The rule is 30 days!
GS: Let's take a look, shall we?
[paper rustling]
GS: Right here, in your interrogatories, you say 45 days.
OC: Well, it does say 45, doesn't it? [getting red]
GS: [innocently] You'll get your answers next week.

Second, Igots over at Color of Law has added me to the blogroll. Very nice!

So why not a perfect 10? Well, that's a story for another post.


biff said...

Have you dealt with him before? Or her?

G. Spinach said...

Only in this case, but we've been arguing over his client's money for about 15 months now in various forms of the dispute (once a guardianship; now a year's support).

This is not the first "D'oh!" he's suffered, nor, I hope, will it be the last. 8*)

E. McPan said...

Haha, I love it when something like that happens. Unless you're the one being embarrassed, of course.

G. Spinach said...

True that, E. McPan....and I spent most of today and part of this evening cranking out responses and objections to those very same interrogatories (and then cross-checking against the deposition transcript to make sure I wasn't impeaching my own client).