Thursday, November 10, 2011


On the eve of the two-year anniversary since my last post, I write to ask the heavens and the blogosphere for the patience and the wisdom to guide the clients of A & G. Spinach correctly. It's been a gut-wrenching week.

Yes, A & G. Spinach is still around -- we celebrated our 5th anniversary earlier this year. It hasn't always been pretty. We've seen both great joys and awful tragedies cross our desks.

Yet we soldier on.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's All Good

A & G. Spinach still holds its doors open, though in the 13 months since my last post, we've lost two associates, and have hired a part-timer. The economy knocked us around a little bit, but so long as we're back on the plus side (and it sure seems that way), it's all good.

La moglia and the kidlet are keeping me busy, too. Most days, I do the AM drop-off, and hustle home by 7pm for dinner and a little playtime before bathtime and bedtime. It's 9:00-ish now, and the kidlet is fast asleep; it's all good.

I survived my year as President of the local Kiwanis Club and have passed on the gavel to someone else. This past week, I also managed to get through the coordination of our biggest event of the year. Now that it's done, I'm able to re-prioritize; it's all good.

I've signed up to teach a couple of CLE courses -- one in February and another in June. Time to get started on the drafting of materials, due in about a month.

Waiting on Congress to pass some sort of estate tax reform. I almost don't care what the exemption comes out as -- just don't stick us with carryover basis!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lamb and Peas

Tough day at the office. Not busy enough to keep myself from obsessing over the world's problems and the challenges of A. and G. Spinach. Found myself at a networking lunch with a kid 6 months out of college and about as green an insurance agent as they come. At least he paid.

Three other bright spots today. Clients called in with good news in each case. Only down side there is that I have less work...a mixed blessing.

At home, la moglia has the blues. I'm crawling to November, counting on a post-election bounce. But I started a good novel: A Dwelling Place by Elizabeth Musser. 105 pages before I could put it down and wander into the office and blog.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Steak and Potato Salad

G. Spinach and la moglia shared a pretty decent weekend. Given the gasoline shortage that has thwarted random travel in this part of the country, we stayed pretty close to home.

Friday night was consumed with the presidential debate....I decided early on that it couldn't be watched completely sober. Trust me, it got funnier with rum and cranberry.

Sunday night, after a home-cooked meal of red meat and potato salad (mustard, mayo & sweet relish), we caught the 60 Minutes segment on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. That guy scares me, thinking he can single-handedly resolve years of poor bank decisions with a $700 billion dollar government check. Much as I'd like to see it happen, you can't always buy your way out of trouble. So color me 'still suspicious' about this whole financial bailout plan.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cheap Wine and Pizza

Tonight was the planning session for our Kiwanis club's activities in the upcoming 12 months. We did the usual sniffling and snorting over committee assignments, roster placements, and project scheduling, but we also had a few laughs and really got a lot done in 90 I'm happy. The treasurer brought beer, we pulled a bottle of Shiraz from the A. & G. Spinach wine cellar (i.e., the collection of client gift bottles tucked away in a break room cabinet), and we dined on Papa John's.

The workdays, however, have been a little bit of a drag this week. Partner A has jumped on the South Beach Diet, and our paralegal, the "Boss," has started a new gig with a personal trainer, so we're on our own for lunches. Oh, the horrors.

Truthfully, my superego has been a little neglected. I should be concentrating better and billing harder. I had two good spells of 45 minutes each today, but the rest of the day filled up with 12 minute phone calls, emails and administrivia. Fourteen different client contacts, and very little progress, because 14 x .2 is still less than three billable hours. Add that to the two 45 (ok, call it 48) minute spurts, and it's still not a day to brag to the banker about (so it helps that the banker came over for the Shiraz, right?).