Sunday, September 28, 2008

Steak and Potato Salad

G. Spinach and la moglia shared a pretty decent weekend. Given the gasoline shortage that has thwarted random travel in this part of the country, we stayed pretty close to home.

Friday night was consumed with the presidential debate....I decided early on that it couldn't be watched completely sober. Trust me, it got funnier with rum and cranberry.

Sunday night, after a home-cooked meal of red meat and potato salad (mustard, mayo & sweet relish), we caught the 60 Minutes segment on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. That guy scares me, thinking he can single-handedly resolve years of poor bank decisions with a $700 billion dollar government check. Much as I'd like to see it happen, you can't always buy your way out of trouble. So color me 'still suspicious' about this whole financial bailout plan.

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