Friday, September 29, 2006

Moving Day(s)!

Yesterday was the first day of moving stuff into the new office space. A HUGE thanks are owed to those friends of mine and friends of friends that I cajoled, charmed, and flat-owed bribed into helping me haul office furniture around instead of eating dinner...

Sure, there are commercial movers, and yeah, we probably shoulda hired 'em, because the landlord isn't at all familiar with the D-i-Y move. My U-Haul guy didn't even know what masonite was, and I was supposed to cover the lobby with it...cardboard worked instead.

So today is day two of the Great Move, and we've got wall art and a break-room table to take in. All moves are supposed to be after hours, but the hell with it. The truck is due back at 2pm today, and I'm already pretty freakin' sore.

Pictures soon, I promise.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Two lawyers; one desk

The move to A. & G. Spinach's permanent home starts Thursday for sure...we've got our walk-through scheduled at 9am, and we'll be carting bookshelves in after 6pm to keep our paper-making neighbors happy. The new furniture for the lobby should arrive sometime Friday, with a copier and phone system coming on-line on Monday.

A and I have each scheduled a client appointment next Tuesday, but there's one tiny little project left unaccomplished: me picking out and buying a desk. All the vendors we've dealt with so far have been too pricey, and I simply haven't made the time to go shopping. Partner A has a desk from the old firm, so she's all set...Perhaps I'll get mine picked out on Wednesday, or I'll bring in a card table and a folding chair for the first few days...I can always blame it on backordering, right?

The rest of G. Spinach's world is rolling along nicely. Hope the same is true for all of you.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Form-a-Firm 101

A sampling of the people I've been on the phone with today:
1) Coffee service vendor #1 operator
2) Coffee service vendor #2 automated phone attendant
3) Coffee service vendor #1 sales rep
4) Low voltage wiring installer
5) General contractor project manager
6) Space planner project manager
(to choose alternate carpet because our first choice is now unavailable)
7) Stationery/printing/logo guy
8) Copier salesman #3
9) Copier saleswoman #4
10) Phone handset vendor
11) Admin workstations vendor #1 (who gave me an oh-crap price quote)
12) Admin workstations vendor #2

The hope is that our new space will be ready next Thursday so we can move in over the weekend, but it's looking dicey. We might be practicing out of the back of a U-Haul van for a few days. C'est la vie.

But it's exciting...I can't wait to have an office of my own again, and this time, I got to pick the paint colors...

Friday, September 15, 2006

An Aptly Named Alias

Hmmm...several net searches related to bacterially-infected spinach have led visitors here to this tiny square of net-space....alas, a corner with no helpful information about the current public health frenzy. For newsworthier fare, try the FDA, or ABC News.

But the extra attention provides a great opportunity for an update on life in Spinachland. The permanent office space into which my partner and I will be moving our fledgling law practice is about 85% complete. The walls are up and the floors are bare (au revoir, dirty orange carpet). We've got lobby furniture on order, and we're trying to pick out a copier. Tough choice.

I also taught a seminar this week that went pretty well, though it was a challenge to keep up with the needs of the firm, its clients, the move, and the homestead. I'd been hoping to get some cleaning in the homestead done over the weekend, but I'm road-trippin' to Kansas City this weekend to collect some stuff from my sister's basement....three years of free storage is probably more than she'd bargained for, and she's a good do-be for meeting me 1/2-way.

So long for now.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Life as a Partner

Okay, so A & G. Spinach, PC has survived its first eight weeks, and on this 6th day of September, we managed to get our August bills prepared and mailed.

We're also pushing as hard as we can to get our permanent office space built out before the end of this's a long shot right now, but so are most Derby winners. In the meantime, we share a little room in a rented office suite and do all we can to get our clients' phone calls returned and keep up with the supplies and the stationery.

We're going furniture shopping tomorrow, and for the first time ever, I'm worried about the price of cables in the wall...some things you just don't think about in law has been cool, though, to interview for admin help, set up vendor accounts all over the place, and see a vision and a prayer turn into a functional enterprise. All will be okay....

And la mia moglie is settling into a new job teaching at a new school in a new's a bit strange to come home and listen to each other's days. Each is filled with discovery and challenges, and golly-gee, it feels good!

So long for now,