Monday, July 17, 2006

A wedding and a career move

Hey! G. Spinach took a three-week hiatus from blogging to a) get married, b) quit his job, c) open a new law firm, and d) move his new bride across town into the house. Very exciting times, but rather demanding, so there really hasn't been too much blog-time til now.

First, the job stuff:
You've heard about Partner C controlling an ever-increasing quantity of Spinach-time. Well,
along about mid-June, G. Spinach confronted Partner A with his decision to leave the firm, and Partner A decided to defect with him, causing a little bit of a stir. Not understanding the whole story, but having heard something was afoot, Partners B, C, & D kicked Partner A out the door, and then offered G. Spinach a bonus to go along with his job, possibly supplanting Partner A after the big, bad Partner C had squeezed him dry.

G. Spinach declined, pledged his allegiance to Partner A, and sauntered out the door of the firm where he'd been enslaved since being a 2L, seven long years ago. So now we have A & Spinach, PC, a fledgling little enterprise doing everything it can to notify clients and contacts of its newfound existence. Kinda crazy, but it works. We've got an office, a phone line, a set of email boxes, and a healthy dose of chutzpah!

Then, the marriage stuff:
In the middle of all the career moves, G. Spinach tied the knot. The bride was stunning, the ceremony short and to the point, and the food plentiful and delicious. A good time for all, though the ringbearer, age 3, stole the show with his dance moves. I'd post a picture, but the photographer is being a little slow about getting the shots onto a disc and into the mail. Maybe soon.

Okay, those are the highlights...I'll try to get more up soon when the whirlwind around me settles down to a nice relaxing breeze.


Anonymous said...

You're actually hoping for a breeze?! All the euphoria of the last few weeks must have gone to your head. Just because Rita didn't measure up to Katrina doesn't make Rita any less of a hurricane.

On the other hand, seriously, I give you my best wishes for a strong start to your independent career and your long-awaited marriage. We all know you'll do an admirable job with both.


Anonymous said...

oh. my. lord. you may just be the bravest man ever. no, seriously -- i realize that sounded a tiny bit sarcastic, but it's not. Those are two ginormous leaps, and if I *ever* make either one in my whole life, I'll be proud -- you took them both in less than a month. Congratulations, and good luck!!

E. McPan said...

Aren't you even going to tell us the location of your secret honeymoon?!

Congrats on...everything!