Monday, February 20, 2006

Get your Presidents' Day On

I'm ruminating a little too deeply about Presidents' Day this year:

1) I've heard Presidents' Day get blasted as symbolic of the decline in the American education system...e.g., who can remember Lincoln's birthday anymore? George Washington's?

GS: Eh, no biggie. It's an excuse to party.

2) The feds can take a day off, and state and county governments do just fine without in point: my probate court "hearing" at 10am this morning in a town some 60 miles from the office. Client and I carpooled and left plenty of extra time:
[9:25 am- the Clerk's desk]
G. Spinach: Hi, we've got a 10:00 appointment with the probate judge
Probate Clerk: Well, it looks like you've got about 35 minutes.
GS: Okay (looking for a bench).
Probate Judge [overhearing conversation]: Well, anybody else comin'?
GS: No, it's just us.
PJ: Well, no sense waitin' then. Let's get you in.
[walk down a narrow hallway, turn left]
[6 minutes go by, in which the judge and I exchange pleasantries, a few facts, a few pro formas, and a few sheets of paper, and then start packing up]
[9:31am] Client (thinking, I'm sure, that we're joking): That's it?
PJ: Have you got any other business?
GS (quickly): That'll do it. Thanks for your time.
PJ: No trouble.
[9:32, on the way out]
Client: Well, now we go home?
GS: Well, we go back to my office where we left your car, but yeah, we're done.
Life's easier on President's Day, don'tcha think?

3) Hmm, traffic's lighter, too, thanks to all those sleeping in. No really, Thanks!

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