Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Luttig Strikes Back

Now that the easy pickin's for this decade's Supreme Court retirements/vacancies have come to fruition, and their respective posts have either been filled, or virtually a lock to be filled, it seems that the vying candidates left in the cold have little incentive to ingratiate themselves with the Administration.

In fact, it may be time for a little revenge...

In the 4th Circuit, Luttig's typically conservative pen took a mighty swing against the war-on-terror-mongers in the Padilla case, as reported in last week's ABA eJournal: here.

When there's time, we'll have to see what Lady Clement is up to these days.

G. Spinach

1 comment:

G. Spinach said...

So when is this legal research of yours going to be finished?