Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Juggle

The life of G. Spinach, ca. 2008, looks something like this:

1) The Firm - Two partners: A & G. Spinach. We started the firm right about the time I stopped blogging. We've got two associates now: the Therapist and the Brain. Both are loved; neither are overworked. We're not as busy as we were when we started; a frighteningly slow summer has ended, and we're picking up steam again.

2) The Family - It's me, la moglia, and one angelic little girl: the kidlet. She'll be 17 months old soon; again, a good reason to have let the blog slide.

3) The Club - I'll be stepping in as Pres. of the local Kiwanis Club starting Oct 1. A dubious honor, I assure you.

4) The Estate - Grandpa died five years ago with some acreage out West. My aunt and I have been trying to sell it ever since, and it hasn't worked out quite like we expected. Thanks to the squiggly economy.

5) The Contacts -- In the years since I left law school, I've met a bunch of folks, and there are splintered groups here and there. I try to go to some of the meetings, but it's been a scattershot thing.

6) The Friends - I neglect them terribly.

So what's missing? Well, my religious life has been pretty non-existent the past couple of years. I'd like to see a resurgence there. And my exercise routine...I once ran 10ks; the last was in 2005. I still belong to a gym, but I haven't been there since the kidlet showed up in our lives. Time to cancel the membership, dontcha think?

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