Monday, April 10, 2006

Must be tax week

Let's count the free advice (read non-billable) moments du jour, shall we?
1) The firm's homeless associate stopped in with a question about 1099-MISC income.

2) A CPA called to ask about whether Social security death benefits count as taxable income.

3) A partner dropped in with a question about AMT.

...and when I got home to the message-machine...

4) an aunt wanted to know if Turbo Tax had any bias toward the IRS or toward the taxpayer; and
5) a cousin couldn't figure out if she could itemize her doctor's bills.

I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin'...what makes people think I know ding-dong squat about income taxes?

Toss me a wealth transfer tax softball, will ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Real estate attorneys don't GET those April 15-oriented questions, just FYI. On the other hand, we get the "why can't I do anything to fight this lien from the HOA?" questions. I'll just tell you now, people expect that if you're an attorney, you can magically wave your Covenants Conditions and Restrictions wand and change the Declaration so it WILL allow them to paint their house bright purple with total immunity. But I'm not bitter. . . . Still, I'll take the HOA Q&A over the tax Q&A any day!!